Does Every Home Renovation Require Permits?

So, you’ve decided It’s time to touch up your home, but before you go forward & make modifications, here's a deeper look into the process. Making any major changes to your home demands a permit. Home renovations and whether or not it needs a permit depends on the job. Any major plumbing, electrical or additions to your home will require your general contractor to pull building permits for the job. Here are some things you need to know about home renovations and building permits.


Why Do you Need a Permit For Home Renovations? 

Home improvement is an exciting adventure. Except, home renovations are not that easy to come by. The reason why building permits exist is so authorities can guarantee that your property supports whatever work you do.

Any project that is going to execute a huge impact on your home needs a permit. Most projects that have a large role in major changes require a permit.

How To Get a Permit 

Building permits depend on the project. Apply for a permit through your local government office. It may take a while for the permits to be issued. However, some permits are issued immediately. Failure to secure permits complicates the timeline of the project. Local building codes dictate whether your renovation requires a permit or specialized permits.

What Happens if I Don’t Get a Permit?

We highly recommend that you don’t avoid the permit process. The consequences of neglecting to purchase a permit issue an expensive fine. If you don’t get a fine then all work has to be destroyed. Nobody wants that.  

What Does Happen During the Renovating Process?

An inspector has to come by to look at the work done to your home. The inspector ensures safety. Multiple inspections are likely for big home renovation projects. During the renovation, check in with the contractors at all times to see what they have finished or what they need to do next. Expect delays in the work.

Here is how to set up your home renovation plan:

  1. Determine a budget(and how much you’re willing to go over it)

  2. Create a plan within your budget

  3. Get in touch with your insurance agent

  4. Hire a contractor

  5. Secure permits and materials for the order

  6. Start demolition

  7. Work happens behind the walls

  8. Paint and floor installation

  9. Cabinet installing

  10. Adding the finishing touches

Should I Move Out During Home Renovations?

Moving out of your home during a renovation is your decision. It’s better to go somewhere else, preferably close by so as not to be in the way of the contractors. Determine the best course of action based on money, logistics, and dependents.

What Renovations Need a Permit? 

Before applying for home renovation permits have a plan written out for your construction. Certain renovations alter the construction of your property. Anything from kitchen renovations, bath renovations, or home remodel need permits.


-       Landscaping Needs: For homeowners who are constructing a fence in their yard, some fences require permits. If there is a fence that is higher than 5-feet, there is a height restriction right there.

-       Building New Windows: You don’t need a permit for putting in new windows. However, you do need a permit for constructing a hole for where the window will go. This goes for building new doorways, too.

-       Plumbing System: The plumbing system is one of the most important parts of any household. A permit is required for any renovations to the plumbing.

-       Electrical Services: Any renovation that requires the installation of electric service needs a permit. Even moving an outlet.

-       Water Heater: If you are to replace the water heater in your home, sign up for a permit. Ventilation systems also require permits.

Are There Renovations That Don’t Require a Permit?

Good news! Not all home renovations require a permit. Look into a permit for any renovation that you are thinking about doing. Getting into trouble with authorities is not fun. To safely ensure that your home renovation will run smoothly is if you research what changes need a permit. Here are the renovations that don’t require a permit.

-       Painting and wallpaper installation

-       Tile/Hardwood Floor Installation

-       Minor electrical repairs

-       New countertops

-       Faucet replacement

What is the Total Cost of a Home Renovation?

The total cost of a home renovation varies on the project at hand. General contractors require a permit if renovations or construction projects cost more than $5,000 which is the usual amount. 

Do you have a home renovation project you are looking to have completed in the Lauderdale Lakes, FL area? Give us a call today and receive a free estimate!


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