Does Every Home Renovation Require Permits?
Home Improvement Devona Austin Home Improvement Devona Austin

Does Every Home Renovation Require Permits?

So, you’ve decided It’s time to touch up your home, but before you go forward & make modifications, here's a deeper look into the process. Making any major changes to your home demands a permit. Home renovations and whether or not it needs a permit depends on the job. Any major plumbing, electrical or additions to your home will require your general contractor to pull building permits for the job.

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Hiring a General Contractor: Everything You Need to Know
Home Improvement Devona Austin Home Improvement Devona Austin

Hiring a General Contractor: Everything You Need to Know

Calling all business owners and homeowners in South Florida! Are you in need of a general contractor? Before doing so, there’s some important information that you need to be aware of prior to hiring general contractor services. For business owners and homeowners, hiring a general contractor can be a frustrating problem, but doing your research before making that big decision usually leads to a more positive outcome. For your next big home improvement project consider these things when interviewing and hiring a general contractor.

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Most Common DIY Injuries 
Home Improvement Chadley Morris Home Improvement Chadley Morris

Most Common DIY Injuries 

Life under quarantine has caused everyone to step out of their elements a little. As a way to stay occupied while cooped up in the house, there was a rising trend in baking and home improvement projects. Now before you handy maddy’s and manny’s start demoing your kitchens, be sure to proceed with caution, stay safe, and consult with a professional when necessary. The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) collected data on the top 20 most dangerous home improvement tools and we’re here to help you avoid some of these common DIY injuries, and keep at least some of your fingers as you take on the biggest challenge of home ownership! 

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Safety Tips for DIY Home Improvement Projects
Home Improvement Chadley Morris Home Improvement Chadley Morris

Safety Tips for DIY Home Improvement Projects

Not everyone has a fear of heights but it’s safe to say almost everyone is afraid of falling. There are few things scarier than falling from a ladder or any elevated area to the cold hard ground. Though we likely know to be cautious when climbing a ladder, few of us know the ramifications of injuries that result from ladders. When starting your DIY home renovation projects, be sure to take proper precautions to help you avoid falls from ladders or other heights, bruises, broken bones, and other injuries.

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How to Snake a Drain
Plumbing Devona Austin Plumbing Devona Austin

How to Snake a Drain

We’ve all been the culprit of a drain blockage once or twice, whether it’s too much hair in the shower, or wadding up ‘flushable’ wipes into the toilet. One of the many joys of homeownership, is dealing with these household repair issues. Most homeowners don’t think about plumbing until something goes wrong. For those of us who are less than savvy, this problem may cause you to see negative dollar signs, but fear not, even the least savvy of handy people can snake a drain without the help of a professional(most of the time). There are several options for snaking your drain, from chemical solutions, to the good old fashioned plunger. What I would recommend for jobs large and small is the drain auger, called a plumber’s snake, or drain snake. The drain auger is a 1/4-inch metal coil that breaks up blockages in toilet, sink, and bathtub drains. The next time your plunger won’t clear that clog, put on your plumber hat, and try to snake it out yourself, before you call in reinforcements. 

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